Our Story

By His Stripes Apparel

ByHisStripes is a family owned business in which each of us have a heart for people. The foundation of the brand is Christian based and grounded in a direct purpose of advocating for healing. BHS stands on 5 pillars that include Family, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical health and healing. We understand that overcoming obstacles in life may leave a scar but that only reminds us that we have been Healed. In order to do our part in the process of healing, 10% of all sales are donated monthly to organizations that are connected to the brand's 5 pillars of Family, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical health and healing. 

Our CEO and founder Branden recovered from COVID-pneumonia after a 5 day hospital stay. "I'm a pretty healthy person, I exercise and jog regularly but this virus knocked me off my feet. I was having an extremely hard time breathing. My oxygen level was very low, my hands and face turned blue. My wife, and ByHisStripes owner, who is a nurse was monitoring my health and immediately rushed me to the hospital. After I came home and slowly started to regain health the message of Healing just rang out to me. Not only Physical but Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Family healing. That's when the God inspired message came, along with the scripture Isaiah 53:5. ByHisStripes we are Healed. Everyone can relate to the message of healing no matter what their faith, race or culture is."